BOL1168-R BOL1168-R is a high-quality removable bollard which used widely to prevent vehicles from entering security areas. It is an ideal low-cost solution when the depth is not sufficient to install an automatic bollard. The bollard can simply be unlocked and removed by the key provided. This feature allows people to achieve flexible entrance control when access is only occasionally opened. The bollard is commonly found in schools
BOL1168-R BOL1168-R is a high-quality removable bollard which used widely to prevent vehicles from entering security areas. It is an ideal low-cost solution when the depth is not sufficient to install an automatic bollard. The bollard can simply be unlocked and removed by the key provided. This feature allows people to achieve flexible entrance control when access is only occasionally opened. The bollard is commonly found in schools
BOL1168-R BOL1168-R is a high-quality removable bollard which used widely to prevent vehicles from entering security areas. It is an ideal low-cost solution when the depth is not sufficient to install an automatic bollard. The bollard can simply be unlocked and removed by the key provided. This feature allows people to achieve flexible entrance control when access is only occasionally opened. The bollard is commonly found in schools
BOL1168-R BOL1168-R is a high-quality removable bollard which used widely to prevent vehicles from entering security areas. It is an ideal low-cost solution when the depth is not sufficient to install an automatic bollard. The bollard can simply be unlocked and removed by the key provided. This feature allows people to achieve flexible entrance control when access is only occasionally opened. The bollard is commonly found in schools
BOL1168-R BOL1168-R is a high-quality removable bollard which used widely to prevent vehicles from entering security areas. It is an ideal low-cost solution when the depth is not sufficient to install an automatic bollard. The bollard can simply be unlocked and removed by the key provided. This feature allows people to achieve flexible entrance control when access is only occasionally opened. The bollard is commonly found in schools
BOL1168-R BOL1168-R is a high-quality removable bollard which used widely to prevent vehicles from entering security areas. It is an ideal low-cost solution when the depth is not sufficient to install an automatic bollard. The bollard can simply be unlocked and removed by the key provided. This feature allows people to achieve flexible entrance control when access is only occasionally opened. The bollard is commonly found in schools


BOL1168-R عبارة عن حاجز قابل للإزالة عالي الجودة يستخدم على نطاق واسع لمنع المركبات من دخول المناطق الأمنية. إنه حل مثالي منخفض التكلفة عندما لا يكون العمق كافيا لتثبيت حاجز أوتوماتيكي. يمكن ببساطة فتح الحاجز وإزالته بواسطة المفتاح المقدم. تتيح هذه الميزة للأشخاص تحقيق تحكم مرن في الدخول عند فتح الوصول من حين لآخر فقط. يوجد الحاجز بشكل شائع في المدارس أو مراكز التسوق أو الفنادق أو العقارات السكنية حيث يلزم توجيه حركة المرور لحماية المشاة والممتلكات. يوفر هذا المنتج تحكما مثاليا في الوصول في المناطق المذكورة أعلاه ويرفع مستوى الأمان.

مشاركة الويبسايت

نسخ الرابط للمشاركة

ميزات معلمات تنزيل منتجات ذات صلة حلول ذات صلة حالات ذات صلة أخرى


إضافة إلى المقارنة


(يمكن لأعضاء Silver وما فوق تنزيل الملف بعد تسجيل الدخول)


لقد قمت بإضافة منتج جديد إلى نموذج الاستفسار. تحقق الآن >

يستخدم هذا الموقع ملفات تعريف الارتباط لتخزين المعلومات على جهازك، يمكن أن تعزز ملفات تعريف الارتباط تجربتك كمستخدم وتساعد موقعنا على العمل بشكل طبيعي.
لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى قراءة سياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط وسياسة الخصوصية.
